Monday, November 1, 2010

What to Talk About on a Date

Hi Brother Jo!

You may remember me from the last letter I wrote, which you titled 'Enjoy the Flattery'.

This time however, I'm writing to thank you and for more advice.

There is a ball coming up in a month or so, and I really like one of the guys in my stake. Well, I read one of your notes about hinting that you would like to go on a date.

I'm considered an outgoing person, but I get a bit shy when it comes to relationships. So, I plucked up the courage and hinted to this guy that I would like to go to this ball with him. A week later he calls and asks me to go with him! So thanks for what you have written, it really does work!

But now that I have this date, I'm worried that it might not go so well. I'm really nervous that I won't have anything to talk about, or that I'll do something wrong. Is there any advice you can give me?



Dear G,

Well . . . You're welcome!

I got a letter from a guy once, essentially asking the same question, and I wrote the Note:


It really works both ways. The point is that there are lots of things to talk about if you focus on learning about the other person, asking them questions about themselves, listening to the answers, and responding appropriately.

Likewise, when they ask you questions, pay attention! That way you can respond intelligently, too.

Give it a read and tell me what you think.

And have fun at the Ball, Cinderella!

- Bro Jo

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