Monday, August 5, 2013

YSA FHE Activities

Dear Bro Jo,

Hey Brother J...

Thank you for all you do and the help you render, it is greatly appreciated by all us.

Just a quick one for you, do you have any super crazy/fun and spontaneous FHE activities for YSA members at college?

Or just in general I suppose.

If you could hook me up with a bundle that would be spectacular!

Thanks a million!

Bomb FHE Mom

Dear Mom,

A list might appear at another time (or perhaps we should just ask our readers to comment below!), but for the most part I'd say that YSA FHE activities should be similar to FHE activities at home; either something you liked to do as a family or a service project.

I think we don't find enough excuses to be of service.

- Bro Jo


  1. Pick a gospel topic and let everyone discuss it. Play a game together. They have tons of fun group games and races. Be creative and paint with pudding or make a masterpiece out of playdough. Sing primary songs everyone know them:) Have fun learning the gospel together.

  2. Tonight we did ice blocking. In the past, we have done TONS of things. Video game nights, kickball, family history stories, hikes, combined ward firesides, pool parties, campfire/smores/anything with food, food, and more food, Good Will (or DI) fashion show (bring a bunch of clothes to donate, but before giving them away, you put on a fashion show - you can make whatever rules for the show you want. Any games, trading, etc.).. there are always holiday themed ones. We through a Harvest/Halloween party for FHE usually, a white elephant gift for Christmas, and other fun things like that the rest of the year.

    Those are from my YSA ward, which does whole ward FHE's. For individual apartment FHE's, there are loads of games to play. Service projects to go do. Find out what kind of things there are to do outside of town. At BYU-Idaho, we went spelunking in the caves and brought glow sticks. Broke the glow sticks so they shined bright, broke them open, splattered them everywhere, then turned off all the lights and played hide-and-go-seek. Probably the BEST FHE evening I had with my FHE group at school. Way too fun.

  3. Service Picture scavenger hunt. SO MUCH FUN!
