Monday, May 7, 2018

How to Not Get Led On

Dear Bro Jo,

So, I'm an RM guy going to college.

There have been two times in my life where I've been pretty sure a girl liked me. One was my freshman year.  All the normal things: we talked alone for a few hours the first time we met (in a public place, don't worry), she texted first, we did lots of things together, and she was pretty flirtatious.  Turns out, she had a boyfriend this whole time.

Pretty recently, a different girl was dropping some serious hints: playful pushes, sassy smirks, the whole shebang.  One day, she mentioned that she was single.  Three times.  She mentioned that she wanted a certain guy to ask her on a date.  So I take the "hint" and ask her on a date.  She says no.

In both situations, I told friends (both guys and girls) about the things she said/did (honestly, no embellishing) and was told, "Yeah, she wants you to ask her on a date!"

Am I just forever doomed to being led on?  Am I doing something wrong?

- Name Withheld

Dear NW,

I don't think you're doomed.  I just think you happened to have had two bad experiences in a row.

Might happen . . . I don't know . . . a thousand more times . . .

Any clear thinking individual would think these girls were interested in you.  I have no idea what their deal was.

But I promise you that there are lots of girls out there that are not like this.

Might take a few more misses to find one . . . but it's worth it!

- Bro Jo

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