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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spending Money on Prom

Dear Bro Jo,

Prom is expensive! How much money is a guy supposed to spend?

- Broke in Boise

Dear Broke,

More than a typical date but not nearly as much as a lot of other kids at school.

As the guy you need to buy the tickets, dinner for you and your date, and you've got to go in a Tux, so borrow if you can, rent if you must. Flowers are tradition, but I think giving her a bouquet instead of flowers to wear is nicer (Ladies, what do you think? Bouquet or Corsage?)

I'd plan on spending about $200-$250
  • $50 tickets (if your Prom Committee is charging more than $75, fire them and get a more reasonable group)
  • $50 Tux (again, try to borrow one if you can - ask around)
  • $75 Dinner (nice, but not stupidly extravagant)
  • $25 Flowers

that will all of course vary a little bit by area, and I agree that's WAY TOO MUCH DOUGH, but remember that your date's dress is going to probably be in that price range as well, so don't be Too Cheap.

Here are some cost saving ideas:

  • We live in the age of Digital Cameras, Photo Printers and Snap-shot Happy Moms and Dads, don't pay for pictures, let the parents of the group take all of the shots.
  • Consider MAKING DINNER, instead of going out. Sister Johnston can create a gourmet meal for 8 that will blow your gosh darn mind for $20 per head, and has done it for as little as $10 per person, so I suspect there are a lot of moms out there that can do the same thing. Candlelight, nice music, and you don't typically have to tip the wait staff (or eat at a bizarre hour because the restaurant's crowded) are all benefits of coming up with something creative at home. Think out of the box.
  • Borrow a cool car to drive instead of Renting a Limo. Most Old Guys are sympathetic to the plight of a Young Man trying to afford a nice Prom Date, and they tend to have great cars you can't possibly even afford the insurance on; just remember to baby the darn thing and return it washed and full of gas.
  • If you are going out to eat, look for deals on appetizers and desserts. Remember those cards and coupon books you sold to raise money for your sports teams and other activity groups? Many of them have discounts on nice restaurants; look 'em over. You may also want to consider doing "finger food" appetizers at the various homes that you and your group of guys will be picking up your dates. Hot Wings at one house, deli tray at another; you get the idea. People order more sensibly if they're not starving to death when they get to the Nice Restaurant.
  • Save Dessert for Later. Instead of $9+ per dessert at a Fancy Place, go out for Sundaes at Cold Stone or Baskin Robins after the Dance. Cheaper, and frankly, often better.

Good luck, and have fun!

- Bro Jo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While a bouquet is lovely and more practical, the girl would feel very odd if she were the only one without a corsage. This is one that is standard. Perhaps a friend can make one for you for much less money.