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Monday, November 30, 2009

How to Have a Great Mission

Dear Bro Jo,

I'm leaving for my mission in nine days... and I am really excited!! But I have two worries that are, well, worrying me.

1. I've heard a few stories about missionaries who hated their mission, who felt that it was one of the biggest mistakes they ever made. I would like to come home and be able to say, I loved it and I did a lot of good. What makes the difference between happy RMs and miserable ones?

2. I'm going to be a sister missionary. Hopefully, a great sister missionary. But I've met the most amazing young man, and I love him very much. I get the distinct feeling he won't be around when I get back, and I feel sad to let him go. I have prayed about it, and I do know that serving a mission is the right thing for me to do right now. I don't ever want to look back and covet what I'm giving up. Is there any advice or help you can offer me? Even if I never get married, I don't want to be kicking myself 10 years from now.

I have a lot of other questions, but these are two I kind of wanted to ask you.

Thank you so much! I think the advice you give is just fantastic.

-Sister Soon-to-Be

Dear Sister Soon,

I'm excited for you!

1. Attitude is the key. A mission is WORK, hard work. Not every day is going to be Dancing Flowers and Singing Trees, but every day you serve the Lord is a Gift and a Blessing. Have a positive attitude, always look for the blessing in the adversity, be consistently grateful for the trials and opportunities, and LOVE THOSE WHOM YOU SERVE AND SERVE WITH.

Do that, and you'll be fine.

2. He probably won't be around when you get back, but right now that's not important. If you want to leave him with a letter to the effect of "I'm really happy to know you, I think you're a wonderful guy, please don't put your life on hold for me while I'm gone, but I want you to know that if you're not married when I come back I'd love to rekindle our relationship" I think that's OK.

Anyone can get married to a great person if they're realistic, willing to work hard, and ready to put someone else ahead of themselves. If you struggle with that, or how to get there, when you come back, I'll still be here; we can talk about it then.

I promise there will be plenty of Good Guys when you get back, so don't worry about it.

Thanks for the kind words, I hope you have a wonderful even if difficult experience!

(just remember that it depends on you)

- Bro Jo

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