Things to know

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This is column is just one guy's opinion, and while he does his best to keep what he thinks, says and writes in-line with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, "Dear Bro Jo" is not an LDS Church website. (And Sister Jo thinks you should know that he's sometimes wrong, and often way too opinionated for his own good.)

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Friday, March 12, 2010

How Can a Guy Know if She Likes Him?

Dear Bro Jo

I'm a 17 year old homeschooler with a bit of a problem. I don't mean to brag, but book wise I'm pretty smart. I'm a little behind social skills wise, especially when it comes to telling if a girl is flirting with me. I'll give two examples real quick. The first was at a stake dance when I was 15. One of my friends introduced me to her friend who was drop dead gorgeous!

She was acting extra nice and a little strange towards me. Now, I'm a former video game addict and had just broken that curse about that time. Meaning A) I wasn't very attractive (or at least I don't think I was) and B) my social skills were down the tubes. So I was totally clueless and frankly scared to death that she was even talking to me! so the dance ends and she seemed kind of sad.

I talked to her friend that next Monday and she tells me I'm a moron bc her friend had a total crush on me. She ended up moving before I could apologize. Now to the second one (don't worry, happier ending...kind of) okay, so last year my best friend (I'll call her Jen) and I liked each other.....but we didn't know the other person felt the same way.

Again, she thought she was being obvious to the point where it was pathetic, and again, it went right over my head. Now, this went on for....about a month. Finally one of my friends told me it was obvious and to just tell her! So I did, and yeah, don't worry we didn't go steady, but we did, (and still do) go on a date every now and then. So to sum up my rant, do you (and Sis Jo) have any advise about how to tell if the girl is really flirting with you, or if she's just messing around?


The Dense

Dear Dense,

You've stumbled onto one of the great mysteries of the universe: How do you know if a girl likes you?

We men are much more obvious: we're nice to girls we like. Girls, on the other hand, are often nice because . . . well . . . they're just nice.

Sister Jo says that what you should look for is her trying to get your attention.

Do you catch her looking at you?

Does she come up and talk to you on her own?

Does she do things hoping to get you to notice her? Like . . . walking by you (especially if more than once), or throwing things at you.

Girls touch guys they like. On the arm, the shoulder, the knee, the hair. They hug you, tease you, take your stuff (jacket, hat, pencil). The "take-the-ball-cap-and-run-away" is a hint and a half.

The punch in the shoulder, the stepping on the back of your shoe, even the poke in the eye can be girl for "Pay More Attention to Me!"

She compliments you on stuff, even when you don't deserve the compliment. You can chunk a free throw and get benched and the girl that likes you will be encouraging or say defensive things like "that coach never should have benched you".

Basically, she'll try to spend time with you and be near you . . . a lot.

If she's really got it bad she may practice writing her first name with your last name.

Let me give you one of my "smooth guy" tricks: go up to her and compliment her on something she's wearing. A color, a style of clothing. Or the way she's wearing her hair that day. You see the same hair style or dress or color or outfit or whatever the next couple times you see her, and you know.

- Bro Jo

PS - I just posted the question on the Facebook Fan Page - let's you and I watch to see what girls around the world have to say. (Isn't the internet cool!)


Anonymous said...

That sounds pretty right hahah, but what about the guys? How do you tell if they like you? Is it basically the same?

Bro Jo said...

As I said, guys are much more obvious. We stare, compliment, inquire about you, and generally lose our ability to speak.

We beg for the courage to even come up and say "hello".

Did I mention that we stare?

- Bro Jo

Priest Family - Laura said...

That's pretty much it. The touching and stealing, watching and talking, begging for attention.
Also the title reminds me of the song from the movie "Enchanted"... I know you quote movies all the time, wasn't sure if that was intentional or not. :P hahaha. Now I have that in my head.

Anonymous said...

Ok I agree with Bro Jo on his estimate of girls subtlety(or else not too subtle) And I've experienced the things you say about the ways guys beahve when they're interested. But say a guy is blowing hot and cold? One day he's showing all the symptoms and the next none of them? Is he just nice, nervous or playing hard to get or other eqivalent?

I love your column btw

Bro Jo said...

Guys are simple.

On the hot days he likes you.

On the cold days . . . not so much.

That's why a Smart Girl walks quickly away from the Waffling Guy.

(And Thank You, btw!)

- Bro Jo