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Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Did Bro Jo Say That Girls Shouldn't Wear Dresses or Skirts to School?

Dear Bro Jo,

I was reading one of your past posts, and you said that girls shouldn't wear skirts/dresses to school.

Why not?

- Curious

Dear Curious,

Could you direct me to that post?

I don't remember writing that ... not that I have a perfect memory ... but both of the Jo Girls wear skirts and dresses to school from time to time, and I don't see that as a problem.

And I can't think of a time in my life when I thought it was a concern.

- Bro Jo

Dear Bro Jo,

Sorry that's it's been a few days. I got a little busy.

It was "Getting a Boy to Notice" from 2009. You specifically said, "No Church Dresses at school," so I guess that could mean something different from not wearing skirts/dresses. I don't know. I was just interested.

On another note, I know you say that girls shouldn't call guys, and I completely agree with that, but what about emailing, chatting, or texting? Is it a guy's job to initiate all the contact? And you sometimes recommend that a girl write a letter to a guy, but at what age is that appropriate?

I don't have anyone specific in mind, these are just general questions. I'm trying to be prepared.


- Curious

Dear Curious,

Thank you for the opportunity to clarify!

What I said, to a 6th grader, was that she should not wear Church dresses at school because it was too fancy, unless the occasion (like a concert or play) warranted it.  Over all the tone was that you can get positive attention by dressing nicely.

Sister Jo points out (and I emphatically agree) that a girl gives away much of her allure when she does most or all of the initial contacting.  This does not mean that she should sit around doing nothing.

I don't see much advantage or purpose in girls writing letters to non-relative guys until they're at least 17 or 18.

- Bro Jo

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