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Friday, July 12, 2013

A Guy's Perspective on When Your Friends Won't Date

Dear Bro Jo,

I've been sixteen for about 4 months and have gone on a total of about 4 dates.

My problem isn't that I don't want to date, because I really really want to!

The problem is that my friends have no desire to date!

All my friends are LDS and are sixteen or older as well, and they just have no strong desire to go on group dates.

We hang out all the time, and we have a lot of fun together as just guys.

At school we hardly ever see each other though, and it's not really seen publicly in our school that we're all really good friends. We all come from different backgrounds as well, one of my friends is more into the theatrical and singing group in the school, one of my friends is into just about everything and is super funny, and the others are heavily involved in sports like lacrosse and basketball.

I am way into the sports scene as well running cross country, track, and being a triathlete, but I'm sorry to say I don't really have any really close friends outside these LDS group of guys in my ward.

I was in the "popular" group as a freshman with all the stud freshman football and basketball players but I decided to separate myself from that group because of their issues with drugs and alcohol leading into sophomore year.

Now the problem I'm faced with is that I want to date all these girls in my school, but the only one's that I want to date are in the "popular" scene as well.

The classes that I'm in are super rigorous and the girls in those classes aren't exactly the kind of girls I want to go on dates with.

I have girls though, that I know pretty well from church activities and stake dances, and I know they'll go on a date with me but I want it to be a group date!

And my friends aren't exactly willing to find a girl to go out with. They think that getting a group of girls together that don't even know each other will be awkward and just won't work out. I agree with them too, I think that getting girls together that don't even know each other at all will be super awkward!

I've talked to my parents about what I should do, but they haven't provided any good insight. I've fasted and prayed too for help with my dating situation because I really feel and want to start dating!!!

I need your advice Bro Jo.

I need help on getting to know more girls that I don't have classes with and on getting my friends together to have group dates!

We sure talk a lot about getting all these girls that we could date when we hang out as guys, but we never put it into action!

- Brother Who Wants More Dates!

Dear Brother,

You're not alone.

Even the Jo Boys have from time to time struggled to find a good dating buddy. (Even a house full of brothers who have a testimony of dating is no guarantee; brothers can be busy with stuff.)

So here are three things you can do.

1. Widen your circle of friends. There's a lot of Good Guys out there who aren't members of the Church (yet); guys who aren't doing drugs and drinking alcohol. The Jo Boys have found that some of their best Dating Buddies, and best friends, are non-member guys. You may also find that you're doing a little missionary work.

2. Focus on just one Church Buddy. Rather than deal with the challenge of getting a bunch of guys to buy in, pick one. Preferably one who isn't afraid of girls. Maybe even try to solicit help from his siblings and parents.

3. Take a step back. Set up some movie parties and game nights at your house. As they guys and girls become more comfortable with each other, they'll be more open to dating.

Be Patient and Be Positive.

And don't give up.

Happy Dating,

- Bro Jo

PS:  Four dates in four months is about where a guy your age should be; no need for you to date much more than that.  Relax, brother; you're doing fine.


Anonymous said...

As a female (now married), I've been on lots of group dates where none of us know any of the other girls. It was actually a lot of fun - you create kind of a camaraderie with the other girls. I've gone on group/double dates when the other boys asked my good friends, and those were disasters - It's like a girl hangout and boys happened to be present and paying. For most teenage girls, when your friends are there, you gravitate towards them. When the only person you know is your date, you gravitate more towards him (but are equally open with all of the others).

The most awkward situation though, is when some of the girls at a group date are really good friends with each other, and others are strangers - they you get cliques, which is never really a 'good' thing, but especially on dates.

Anonymous said...

Also give some of those "non-popular" girls in your rigorous classes a chance. Lots of these girls are fun, witty, and would love to go on some casual group dates too. Studious doesn't necessarily mean they wouldn't be a fun date.