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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Bro Jo's Advice About Online Dating

Dear Bro Jo,

Hey I'm just wondering what is your opinion on online dating? I'm a 25 year old girl, and I'm just having a hard time meeting new guys and thought I might give it a try.... I just needed someone else's opinion, because I am pretty sure my friends would make fun of it haha.

- BP

PS: By the way I would not want to use the online dating for long distance, but more just to meet people within my area and then date them like I would normally date someone.

- BP

Dear BP,

Online matching sites can be a great tool for meeting new potential dates, especially for those that are in the older end of the LDS dating pool. Just remember three things:

1. Everyone makes themselves look and sound better online; now even amateurs can Photoshop themselves like a Hollywood Star.

2. Never go to meet a new on line friend alone or in the dark; murderers and molesters pray on the naïve.

3. On line is for introductions, not building a serious relationship; real people talk in person.

Heed what your Good Friends say, but don't let teasing and jealousy keep you from joy.

Good luck,

- Bro Jo

Dear Bro Jo,

Thanks for the reply, I decided to just try it for a month and see if I can meet some new people, it is very different than what I am used to, but I figure it is worth a try. Thanks for the advice :)

- BP

Dear BP,

Let me know how it goes!

- Bro Jo

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