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Sunday, September 2, 2012

A Reader's Testimony About Self-worth

Dear Readers,

On this Fast and Testimony Sunday I thought I’d share the following letter with you.

God bless,

- Bro Jo

Dear Bro Jo,

I wanted to write to you so that if needed you can let others know about some things I've learned.

I got a boyfriend in 8th grade. It was fine with it and ended up dating a few more boys later. But I ended up realizing that i didn't like him as much as I wanted to, I just liked to kiss him and have someone around. (Just so you no, I now wish my first kiss hadn't been when I was 13 or 14, to a boy I didn't really like.)

Then in 9th grade, I dated another boy, basically same ending.

Then in 10th grade I feel kind of hard for a boy, but I never really realized it until after I ended it.
Then that turned into a year and a half of heartache because 1: I wasn't going to have "relationships" like that anymore and 2: I didn't know how to get over him.

Eventually I talked to him about it, cleared the air and got over him (that was two or so months ago)

But, before I got over him, I like another boy and basically had a "relationship" with him, even though we both denied it. and in the end, I talked to him about it and told him we were in a relationship and I didn't like it (plus he was 19 and starting to do his papers, already ordained and Elder and going to YSA activities, but would still go to youth dances to hang out with me, I was uncomfortable with the latter)

Now I am 17, haven't had a "Serious relationship" in about 9 months and I love it.

Yes, sometimes I wish I still had a 'boyfriend' but I look back, and it isn't worth it right now.

I have wonderful friends I see often, I generally go one a few dates a month (sometimes none, I am the Laurels pres. in my ward and I try to get the guys to ask us on dates... so does the Bishop).

I love my life.

My worth comes from God.

I know he loves me.

I know I love me.

I know my friends and family loves me.

I do not need a 'significant other' to complete me. I complete me, and Christ completes me.

Thank you Bro Jo for all you do, I have friends who have gotten advice from you and it has helped them.


Been there, done that, is now a better person.

Dear Been There,

Thank you for the kind words and that wonderful testimony!

- Bro Jo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was always jealous of all those girls who had guys lined up to be with them and I envied the girls i knew who couldn't even go a week without getting into another relationship, but I look back on my life and I realized that it doesn't matter how many guys or girls you have dated as long as you are happy with your life and happy to be who you are.

Thank you for sharing her story.