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This is column is just one guy's opinion, and while he does his best to keep what he thinks, says and writes in-line with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, "Dear Bro Jo" is not an LDS Church website. (And Sister Jo thinks you should know that he's sometimes wrong, and often way too opinionated for his own good.)

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Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Would You Marry a Bad Kisser? - Part 3 of 4

Dear Bro Jo,

It bothers me, but it doesn't bother him. And honestly, other than that, I would definitely say yes because he is a great guy. We probably just aren't experienced enough at kissing or something.

- Confused

Dear Confused,

So the reason you're not going to marry the man of your dreams is because he's a terrible kisser?

Like I said, I can see that as a deal breaker . . . but if he's that great at everything else, why not help him improve at this one thing?

Love is tough to find, and a great eternal companion a rare and valuable commodity.

What if he was a great kisser?  What if you told him how you feel about it?  How important it is to you?

What if you put forth some effort teaching him, helping him, to be great?

- Bro Jo

Dear Bro Jo,

And yes I have seen that video before.

I hope kissing can be learned!

- Confused

Dear Confused,

Of course it can be learned!

Just takes Sincere Desire to Improve and Practice.

- Bro Jo

Dear Bro Jo,

If I could teach him and learn myself how to be a great kisser I would definitely marry him. Although I feel that's shallow of me to say. I think I'll talk to him. He decided to wait until the next time I see him to get my official decision about marrying him. Which could be a couple weeks from now, at least.

Thanks Bro Jo.

- Confused

Dear Confused,

You HAVE to talk to him.

Be Loving.  Be Honest.  And Be Fair.

Besides, what's the worst thing that could happen?  You both become better kissers???

- Bro Jo

Dear Bro Jo,

Thanks Bro Jo, I will.

- Confused

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