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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Stuck in the Mud

Dear Bro Jo,

I'm sure you've seen/heard this question many times. "Can a girl ask a guy out?"

Well, I am a traditional kind of girl. I think it's just classic for the guy to ask the girl. Now I know the times are a-changin' and girls can take the initiative if they want to, but I sure do wish there was someway to keep to the good ol' classics.

I've had my eye on someone at church for awhile. (Since I was like..15). Now we are both 17. I would just like to have ONE date (group date of course) for us to go on and get to know each other in that kind of setting. He is super shy and is the type to hide away in his room rather than make the move. We do talk at church, dances, and other activities so we know each other well enough to be more than acquaintances but barely at that "friend-friend" level. How can I still keep my traditional thinking yet move forward with the times?


Stuck in the Mud

Dear Stuck -

Can a girl ask a guy out?

She can . . . but she shouldn't.

When a girl asks a guy out she's not "liberated" or "modern", she's emasculating at best, at worst she loses her power and mystique.

Like all standards, Stuck, the way we stick to the "classics" is to . . . (wait for it) . . . actually stick to them.

There's nothing "cutting edge" about girls asking guys out, moreover, history teaches us that it typically doesn't end well.

There are times when it's OK, such as Girl-Ask-Guy dances, but even then it's better if a girl asks a guy that has already taken her out at least once.

That said, there are many things you CAN do to get the boy to ask YOU out. Check out "Bro Jo's HOW a GIRL CAN GET a BOY'S ATTENTION"  and "Bro Jo's HOW a GIRL CAN GET a GUY to ASK HER on a DATE"

Whether the two of you go on a date or not, end up married or not, you'll both be better off if you help each other learn to date.

Don't give up on him so easily, and don't make it too easy for him either.

- Bro Jo

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