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This is column is just one guy's opinion, and while he does his best to keep what he thinks, says and writes in-line with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, "Dear Bro Jo" is not an LDS Church website. (And Sister Jo thinks you should know that he's sometimes wrong, and often way too opinionated for his own good.)

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Monday, September 20, 2010

Dating the Pre-Mi

Dear Bro,

I read your column and facebook page frequently, and I know that you disapprove of relationships with missionaries. Now that my friends and I are at the age where so many of our male friends are leaving for the mission field, we've been talking about this a lot. I want to know your opinion: which part of a relationship is more harmful to a mission, the physical or emotional? In other words, is it worse to kiss the soon-to-be-missionary or to tell him "I love you"?

Thanks :)

-At That Age

Dear That,

Well . . . I guess that depends on who's doing the kissing or telling . . . it's entirely possible that either could make the Young Man that much more eager to leave . . .

- Bro Jo

OK, ok . . . On a slightly more serious tone . . .

Your question sounds like one of those "how far can I go before I have to talk to my Bishop" questions.

And timing has a lot to do with this stuff, too.

I'd say that from the time a guy starts filling out his paper work until he's been home from the mission a couple days it's not in anyone's best interest for you to do either. Unless of course you're his mother . . .

Besides, once you girls are adults, it's time to focus on the boys who've come home instead of the ones that are leaving.

- Bro Jo

1 comment:

bianca said...

I am so glad someone asked this question. I am friends with a pre-miss guy and he has put his papers in. We say we are friends and we hang out and text all the time to eachother but I am starting to think that we are more but neither of us is saying anything. We have this expectation of one another but its not out in the open.
The thing is I dont want to stop him from talking to me because I really like him but at the same time, I keep thinking I am being stupid for even getting involved with him in the first place.
Why must it be so complicated?