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Monday, January 17, 2011

Backed into a Corner

Dear Bro Jo,

Sorry to bother you again so soon but I have another question which I am hoping you will be able to answer.

I am sixteen and have been enjoying reading your blog every couple of days!

I was just wondering if you could tell me your opinion and if there is anything I can do. There is a young man in my ward who is almost 17. Recently my friends were of the opinion that he liked me, and that he might even ask me on a date. But last week one of my friends at church asked this boy who he liked and he said no-one. When me and my friends found this out later we were a little confused as we thought he liked me and I was eagerly anticipating the possibility of a first date. He is a nice guy, a gentleman and a worthy priesthood holder. We sometimes talk at church and activities and once he had said that he should take me ballroom dancing sometime. I had kept an eye out for anything that meant he might likely and so did my friends. But now I am not so sure.

Is there anything I can do? Or do I just need to sit back and pray that one day I will be asked on a date?


- Hoping

Dear Hoping,

What did you expect him to say?!?

"Yes! I love that girl over there! She has beautiful eyes and I want to buy her flowers every day!!!"

Come on! Even if he does like you, and he probably does, no guy is going to put himself out there . . . unless he's uncommonly confident, or creepy. Once he does that it's like saying he wants to be your boyfriend, and if he has any brains at all he'll avoid that trap like a fox during hound season. You've backed him into a corner, and no one likes that. Plus, at 17 he should be Casual Group Dating. That includes you, your friend, that girl over there, and several others.

That doesn't mean you have to sit back and do nothing.

Be friendly. Flirt. Be talkative. All that girl stuff that let's a guy know that if he asks you on a Casual Group Date you're going to say yes.

And don't date just him, either.

- Bro Jo

PS: Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

RenegadeExpress said...

Girls seriously need to get over this "who do you like" thing. It doesn't mean the same thing to guys and girls.