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Monday, July 20, 2015

Scared and Alone: Part 8 of 15: Where Do Bad Feelings Come From?

Dear Bro Jo,

I would just like to say, thank you so much for all of your help. I hid out most of the time at Church, but I did text her!!

I only told her about the tea situation, because I just couldn't tell her about the guy. I have to say though, it helped a lot! I feel so much better about it!

Thank you!

- Scared

Dear Scared,

Think of how much better you'll feel once you mention the guy.

- Bro Jo

Dear Bro Jo,

You have such perfect timing. I haven't talked to this guy since I told you about him, but I still think about telling her sometimes.

Right now though, she is already helping me through so much these past three days and is continuing to help me, so it probably isn't the best time right now.

Maybe I'm wrong though?

Not sure.

- Scared

Dear Scared,

The thoughts you have to tell her . . . the feelings you have to set things right with God . . . where do you suppose they come from?

- Bro Jo

Dear Bro Jo,

I actually haven't thought about tell her in a few weeks now.

The guy and I don't talk and I just don't think about it.

She is helping me with a LOT right now and I don't think I could give her anything else to worry/stress about.

I feel so bad going to her for what I have these past three days. 

- Scared

Dear Scared,

Why do you think you feel bad?

- Bro Jo

Dear Bro Jo,

I meant that I felt bad for going to her these past three days.

I have been going through a lot of things this past week and on Monday she was amazing enough to leave her family and meet me at Church to talk for an hour, offering for me to spend the night at her house and much more.

I feel bad that I am venting and telling all my problems to her, because she has her own family to worry about.

Yes, she is the young women's president and things like this happen, but it doesn't make me feel any better.

I didn't want to go to anyone, but my mom feels I am holding too many things in and need to talk to someone I trust. I don't feel as bad about the guy situation, because I have prayed and thought a lot about it, and yes it bothers me a little, but not as much as it did.

- Scared

Dear Scared,

That's what I was asking: "why do you feel bad going to her?"

She wants to help, she receives blessings for helping, and she's offered to help you deserve joy!

And right now that means allowing others to help you. rather than feel guilty because of her help, I think you should feel grateful.

Don't get me wrong; I suspect that you are grateful . . . to an extent.

But part of accepting the atonement of Christ, that power which allows us to repent and make us whole, to feel the love and joy we deserve, is to understand the difference between regretting our actions (which is a good thing) and regretting asking for help and forgiveness (which is always a thing to never feel bad about).

How you feel is normal in that you're not alone; most people feel exactly as you do in the beginning what you're feeling, call it guilt or Godly sorrow . . . it's part of the process.

Let me ask: have you thanked her?

- Bro Jo

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