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Monday, July 27, 2015

Scared and Alone: Part 9 of 15: There's Always Hope

Dear Bro Jo,

I wasn't sure which one you were asking about when you asked "why do you feel bad", so I just guessed sorry.

I feel bad going to her because I can't stand letting out my emotions and my thoughts.

Plus, I feel bad taking her away from her family and making her worry about me.

Her main worry should be about her and her family, not just some crazy teen that has a messed up life.

I am extremely grateful that she has talked to me these past three days because I highly doubt I could have made it without her.

She has been a major help, and I have to admit that it did feel great to be able to sit down and let out how I truly felt for once and just cry about something, instead of holding it in.

I do thank her every time we talk about something or every time she helps, but it's probably not the most sincere "thank you" I could give her.

I mean it to be that way, but it probably doesn't come off that way.

I've thought about sitting down after everything goes away and writing her thank-you card or something that's not just a random "thanks" in a text message or something. 

- Scared

Dear Scared,

You know, Little Sister, I think you're doing everything right, and I'm glad you're talking to some one I have no doubt that you're loved! and I don't think of you as crazy or a messed up teen . . . I think you're someone who's made some mistakes, no different than anyone else, really, and is now working to put things right . . . and all of that is good

- Bro Jo

Dear Bro Jo,


Glad to know that I can do something right. I kind of am a crazy teen and my life is pretty messed up, but in the end it's all gonna be okay. I'm trying to make things right, and even though its extremely hard I'm slowly working my way through it.

- Scared

Dear Scared,

As my oldest, who is currently serving a mission in the UK, would say: "Good on ya!"

- Bro Jo

Dear Bro Jo,

Haha thanks for the laugh! I needed that. Hope they are doing well and enjoying it!

- Scared

Dear Bro Jo,

I realize that shouldn't have been funny, but I just liked the way you wrote it. .

- Scared

Dear Scared,

Not a problem!

And thank you.

- Bro Jo

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