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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

New York vs. Utah - part II

Readers: A follow-up to last weeks letter from "Dateless".

Bro Jo,

Thanks so much for the reply! I love your blog and I think it's great that you are so willing to help us out. Thanks for the advice about the dances... it's a good idea (and I'm in student council... so maybe I can throw out some ideas there!). You said I needed to not come across as too judgmental - and I think I've been a little guilty of that lately. It's not like I'm judging them and making fun of them behind their backs, but I think I've been judgmental of people friendship wise, like I'll meet people, but I guess in my mind I'm concerned that if they are popular, attractive or make friends really easy that they will think I'm latching onto them. I guess I'm afraid they will think I'm annoying or something so I'm judging them by thinking that they will just ride me off and judge me. I think I'm too concerned that if I try to become friends with a lot of these people that they won't want to be my friends... or I'm just too worried about what other people think. But the thing is, I'm not worried about lowering my standards or giving in to people who try to change my standards because I've already made that an important part of my life. The problem is that I don't know how to get past it so that I can be myself and get to know others better and let them get to know me. If I'm too "secretive" about myself, it doesn't make me seem like a very fun date prospect... I feel like if I can get rid of this idea that everyone will judge me and just work on being myself and being fun to be around then I will be able to get to know both guys and girls a lot better and have more dating and friendship oppurtunities. Sorry this doesn't really make sense and it's all over the place, but thanks again for your advice!


Dear Dateless,

Anytime, and "Thank YOU".

Let us know if you have any success from a Student Council point of view.

As for everything else you're feeling, just know that it's all totally normal. Eventually you'll become more comfortable with who you are AND more accepting of others and their quirks. The quickest way to get to that point is to continuously build your relationship with Christ through all the "typical" things: scripture study, Church attendance, and prayer.

Hang in and have fun,

- Bro Jo

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