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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Cheese Wants to Talk

Hey Bro Jo!!

I consider you a wise man, that's why I'm asking for your help in this situation, and I know you know a lot concerning this matter.

Well to make it short, there is this guy at my school. He is in a couple of my classes, I never talk to him even though we've been 3 years in the same school, when we have the same classes I never talk to him, maybe because he is always with the guys, at my school guys and girl sit in opposite sides from each other( not because we are forced to but it's like some sort of magnetic rejection when it comes choosing seats), he is always hanging out with all the boys in my grade but I've never seen him out of the comfort zone of his friends, because boys and girl sit in opposite sides.

I never had the chance to talk to him, and that’s why I’m afraid that if I do talk to him, it would be plain awkward and he( and his friend) will assume that I like him and that I have a big crush on him, which maybe I do a little but I just don’t want any kind of rumors to be spread, besides I'm also afraid to scare him off, not because I’m mean or ugly, but it’s just because they spent so much time with guys that if a girl comes up to them it’s like they are gonna die, one day I made a presentation, and give out candy when I went to give candy to him he look away from me and didn’t say thank you for the candy, he was like the only one that did that, my friends say that maybe he is too shy to even look at me, and is true, I try to make eye contact with him and he always looks at me but then look away quickly. that’s why I don’t know how to act in this situation, usually the boys I talk to are really outgoing or very humorous, also I don’t know if I would have an opportunity to talk to him.

You will wonder why do you like him then??

Well from all the non-member guys I know he is the nicest and smart, and cute XD. I don’t want to date him( well I actually wish I could) but I just want to talk to him, I just want to know him a bit, before the school year ends, I don’t want to talk to him the next year and discover he is one of the nicest person I've ever met and regret I didn't talk to him before, and I want to talk to him because I don't want to look back in the future and hit my head against the wall for not having the guts to talk to him. Do you see my point??

I usually don't get attracted to non-members; it’s rarely, so I think this guy is something.

Well hope this makes sense.


Hello, Cheesey!

(I suspect there's more than one of you . . .)

So you like this boy and you want to talk to him, but the opportunity just isn't presenting itself. You'd go up to him, but he's always with his guy friends, and that's intimidating. Plus you're afraid that if you're TOO forward the other kids in your school might say things about you that aren't very nice.

That's quite the dilemma.

You could always look for those openings when he's by himself so you can go up and say hello, but they could be non-existent, so let's look at your other options.

One is to put your Wing Girls to work. (I still haven't settled on what to call the gal version of "wing man".) You need a group of girls to go up with you to the group of guys and all start talking to each other, with your girls knowing in advance that you're trying to talk to this boy. They provide the distraction for his pals while you get to chat with him.

Another option is to try and get him to come to you. That can be scary, or fun, depending on your skill level, shyness, and point of view. Some of these flirting techniques may be best saved for when you're a bit older, but you can smile, blink, toss your hair when he looks at you, and (one of my favorites) the nose crinkle (you do have to be careful that it comes across as a smile and not a "you smell bad" look).

You can even motion for him to come sit by you, but I have a suspicion that all this stuff maybe a couple years down the road.

So you'll need to be patient.

Start with smiling. Look but don't stare. If he catches you looking, look away quickly, then glance back. When you see each other say "hello". The key is to help him feel comfortable with you so that when he's ready to talk he'll know you're not so intimidating.

Have fun!

- Bro Jo


Cheese (of "Mac and...") said...

Hi Bro Jo! I think it's AWESOME that you now have a whole collection of Cheese-mail! I just wanted to be sure you & all your fans know there are at least two flavors represented in your collection. Most of these posts are from me and mom, but this one (July 10, 2010) and the next one (July 21, 2010) are from a different girl/girls.

PS...*still* waiting for that one FB thing ...

Bro Jo said...

Thought so!

- Bro Jo