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Friday, July 30, 2010

Working Around Your Challenges

Dear BroJo,

I have the commom problem hyperhidrosis, that is, the extreme sweatiness of the hands. This is especially bad in summer, but can be bad at any time. I'm almost 16, and I already have a date set up to go dancing. I'm worried about this, and about dating in the future. It's hard not to feel unattractive when you're almost perpetually sweaty in almost any social situation. I'm basically out of ideas. What can I do?

Feeling unattractive

Dear Feeling,


There are some things you can do. Have you spoken to your doctor?

(For those that want to learn a little more, about hyperhidrosis click HERE.)

You need to realize that everyone has something that makes them feel self conscious or unattractive (I have something similar to what you have, but with my feet. My feet can sweat on a cold day even if I'm not wearing shoes! It's a constant battle to keep them from smelling bad.)

In addition to treatment, there are ways you can "date around" your condition. Instead of holding hands, take the guy by the arm. When dancing rest your hands on his shoulders.

And be upfront with you date.

"Hey, I'm just warning you now, I've got really sweaty hands." And perhaps add something endearing and funny like "but I promise I'll smell extra pretty to make up for it".

And then do. (Check out the Facebook Fan Page Note HERE that talks about smells guys like.)

Let me know how it goes!

- Bro Jo

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