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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hope to Action

Dear Bro Jo,

So about three weeks ago we had LDS prom. While I was there I ended up sitting by this guy for awhile and we talked for about 30 minutes or so and at the end of the conversation he asked for my number, which I gave to him. So since then we have talked on the phone about 4 or 5 times.

Its really easy talking to him too, and I think he is a really nice person. I have already made up my mind that I do not want a boyfriend in high school, but I definitely want to date as many different people as I can.

There aren't a whole lot of people in our stake old enough to date (he actually isn't even in our stake. Our boundaries got changed not long ago, but they got invited to prom by one of thne YM leaders) so when I meet someone who is old enough I am pretty excited about that. And it seems like the ones that are old enough generally don't ask or are just content with having a girlfriend and not actually dating. But I think this guy is aiming more for dating and not for getting a girlfriend.

I wasn't sure if this guy would really even be able to take me on a date since he lives about an hour and a half away, but he drove about two hours last weekend to go to a church dance and visit a friend so I don't think it would be a huge problem. I think he might eventually ask me, but I am kind of aiming for sooner rather than later!

So what should I do?

--Hoping for a date

Dear Hoping -

Ask him.

"So, do I live so far away that you'll never ask me for a date, or have you realized I'm worth the drive?"

Let me know what he says.

- Bro Jo


Taytay said...

I've had a similar experience to this. I met a girl at our stake prom, who lives a good 2 hours away. She's still in our boundary's mind you. Well this was 2 years ago, we don't talk exclusively a lot, but I had no idea she wanted to go on a date with me. Now I'm leaving more my mission in a few weeks and I've known her for 2 years. crazy stuff.

Bro Jo said...


How would you have responded if she hit you with the line I recommended?

- Bro Jo