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Monday, February 21, 2011

What if he doesn't ask?

Dear Bro Jo,

I've changed a lot this fall, even my mom has noticed it, and I'm not the giddy, swooning type of crusher(?) anymore.

No, I'm definitely different.

There's a guy. He's prince charming material through and through, and we're GOOD friends, Bro Jo. He's always nice, never says an unkind word to me, in fact always builds me up, and never lets me feel bad about myself. He can make me smile and feel like the world has sunshine even on THE hardest days. He'll be 16 in less than a month, ('m already 16), and I'm not sure what to do if he doesn;t ask me out. Because there's this girl who everyone says he likes (except one good friend of mine), and who likes him. He always talks to me except when she's around. Sometimes then he'll just walk off with her and not even notice me.

I know I shouldn't care THAT much.

I'm more mature than that. But I'm afraid it'll hurt if he doesn't ask me, but does her in February after she turns 16. I'm a senior and he's a sophomore. And so I know there's probably no future together or anything, but I really love him Bro Jo. With a quiet, patient, love. I'm willing to wait. But I don't want to get hurt. What do I do to get over it if he does't ask me out??

--Clipping my nails, but only because I don't gnaw at them.

Dear Clipping,

Love him? Love him?!?

Are you kidding me???

With all due respect, you may be feeling many things, but love ain't one of them.

I think you need to take a step back, perhaps read out loud what you wrote. You don't think you're the swooning crusher type, but you're afraid that you'll be deeply hurt if some 16-year old guy asks out another girl instead of you . . . I'm sorry, but I don't think you're nearly as mature as you seem to think you are.


And give him room to do the same.

- Bro Jo


Priest Family - Laura said...

wait until you move beyond high school and enter college, where hopefully there will be plenty of YSA's. You'll see there are many many many great people out there - this guy isn't the only one. There is SO much more to life beyond high school that many don't realize. Don't get stuck here.

Bailey said...

So true. I liked a guy in my ward for four years, move out here to college, and now I don't even think twice about him. I know it's a cliche statement, but really, there are plenty of fish in the sea. It'll be hard, but you can do hard things :)

J-Dawg Fluffy said...

Hey, If he asks out the other girl, and they end up "exclusive" (which is likely to happen if they confess emotions for each other,) than they likely won't last very long, and a bitter breakup with ensue, and they ultimately won't end up together when it really counts.