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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Key to Casual Dating

Dear Bro Jo,

Here's my story. In my stake, there's a young woman that I'm great friends with, and I really do like and respect her. When we were 14 and 15, we kind of liked each other without the other one knowing. We would often call or text each other, and we were the best of friends. However, we realized that we were drifting in a direction we weren't ready to go. So, I took the initiative and confronted her. We agreed to avoid each other for a solid month. After that, it was back to a normal friendship.

We'll be turning 16 in a few weeks, so my question is this. When dating, is it okay to date the same person frequently? If I date my friend more often than I date other girls, could anything bad happen? I understand to not ONLY date her, (I'm kind of scared of a relationship at the moment) but what would OTHER people think? What risks would we be taking if we dated TOO often? Could we subconsciously slip out of casual dating into steady dating?

My older brother, a return missionary at BYU, told me that the key to casual dating is to never date the same girl twice in a row, and as long as you let them know you aren't looking for a relationship, it should be fine. Is that true? What would you suggest in my situation?

-Worrying Teacher

Dear Worrying,

Your brother is right on. Date her. Date her often. But keep them "Casual Group Dates" and follow the Dating Rules.

Save Serious Single Dating for after your mission.

- Bro Jo

Dear Bro Jo,

Thanks a bunch! You sure do know how to be a great inspiration!


Worried but ready

Dear Ready,

Well . . . I don't know about THAT, but you're welcome!

- Bro Jo

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