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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Out of the Friend Zone

Dear Bro Jo

I was reading the article from March 2010 called Avoiding the Friend Zone. I've always heard that falling into a girl's friend zone and being 'just friends' is a good way to not get involved with her in a relationship or really anything beyond apparent friendship. I read that getting out the 'friend zone' is very difficult and unless something amazing happens, impossible.

However, a girl I know with whom I am 'just friends', claims that girls fall for their friends (particularly best friends) all the time. She explained the reason for this was the amount of trust they felt with a particular male 'friend'. I was wondering if you could clear that up for me seeing as they both seem like valid theories.



Dear Ken,

Sure SOME girls fall for their friends, but not enough that you should put yourself in the friend zone in hopes of getting the girl. If she's a friend, she's trying to tell you that she likes you.

Which of course means you're not really "just friends" anyway.

Sounds like you're out of the zone whether you want to be or not.

Good luck!

- Bro Jo


A girl said...

If a girl is your friend it doesn't automatically mean she is trying to tell you she likes you. It really depends on the situation. What you do together, how available she is to you when you ask her to do something... it really depends on the situation and how she acts towards said "friend"

Unknown said...

wait so if a girl is trying to be your friend she likes you?

Bro Jo said...

sorry - my mistake - let me clarify, please

I meant to put emphasis on the "SHE'S", meaning that IF this particular girl says she's his friend AND she's telling him that girls fall for their friends all the time (which, as I said, is NOT true), then SHE (this particular girl) is trying to tell him that she likes him.

Hope that helps.

- Bro Jo

PS: This difference between guys and girls and how they see friendship with the opposite sex is WHY "guys can't stay 'just friends' with girls" and WHY some girls have a tough time believing that's true.

A girl said...

Ah.. I see grasshopper. Yes I agree with that. The fact that if a girl is telling her "friend" that girls fall for their friends all the time, then yes, she is more than likely trying to tell him she likes him. Fun game huh?