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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Attraction at First Sight

Dear Bro Jo:

So a couple months ago I met this girl at a theory exam for piano and, well it was "attraction at first sight" as I believe you called it.

We didn't really say anything to each other since it was an exam but recently I saw her at a stake dance and she recognized me!

This was three months later!

So we talked for a bit there and when I got home I added her on Facebook.

When I was online a couple days after she messaged me and we chatted for a bit (which I know you probably don't like).

So what I was wondering is if you think the fact that she actually recognized me and initiated (Facebook) conversation with me is at least worth something?

We're both turning 16 in a few months and I'd like to take her on a date then but I'm afraid that we will lose contact and she'll forget me by then.

I know I could probably find some way to keep in contact, but I'm a really self-conscious person and I'm afraid that if I am constantly trying to contact her she will find me "creepy".

So what should I do? 

Oh and you should probably know that she lives 45 minutes away in a different stake.


- Self-conscious

Dear Conscious,

1. Freak out less about her "forgetting you". I don't think it's going to happen.  R-E-L-A-X.  Simply initiate contact once a week or so. I prefer that you CALL or write an actual letter BY HAND; but if you must, a Facebook post or message is okay.

2. When you're both 16 take her on a Casual Group Date. If you don't know what that is, read the book or at least the rules. You can work around the "45 minutes away" by planning a date for a Saturday afternoon or getting a good dating buddy who will travel with you and perhaps take out one of her friends.

3. Don't just date her, date LOTS of GIRLS. Casual Group Dates only, though.

Have fun!

- Bro Jo

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