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Monday, September 2, 2013

The "Be Attitudes" and Dating

Hello Bro Jo!

I love reading your blog.

I wrote you a couple years ago and things have been going a lot better for me, I got my Medallion, Graduated from Seminary and I'm going to institute now.

Even though I'm still working on passing a Math Exit exam to graduate HS, My attitude about life has changed a lot, Because I know that I'm a daughter of God and I'm loved.

Two years ago I promised myself I wouldn’t date again until I was 18.

Now I'm in Relief Society, been in it for a few months, have had some Health Challenges but overcoming everything, and turning to Christ.

Serving my Brothers and sisters more than anything, enjoying being a Member Missionary in life.

I'm not one to complain ever, so I wanted to see what you could help me with.

I know a few Returned Missionary's, they just got home and I'm not sure when would be a good time to start talking with them. I'm willing to try any ideas you have to just get asked out.

Even though I put my Life completely in Christ’s hands, I know that It is up to me to work at it, He can help but he won’t do the things that I can do is my belief.

Also, I'm 18, almost 19 years of age, and have only ever been out with one guy.

Do you think it would be a problem for me trying to date, because the guys available now are RM's who are looking for serious relationships?

When do you think it would be a good time to talk about my Health problems with a guy?


Faithful Daughter of God

Dear Faithful,

What a wonderful testimony of the Savior!

Thank you for sharing it.

The more experience one has dating, the easier it can be, but not having had much experience need not be a serious hurdle. 

I think what might work for you when it comes to getting asked out on dates is to Be Nice.

Get out there and talk to these RMs. Be Sincere. 

Without coming on too strong, ask them about them.

Smile.  Be Pleasant. Show genuine interest in them, their experiences, and their goals and interests. 

Conversations with new friends need not last several hours; a few minutes is fine. Just long enough to plant some seeds and get to know them well enough that you could describe or introduce them to someone.

If, after talking to a guy several times, you have more than just a friendly interest in him and he still hasn't asked you out on a date, encourage him to do so by saying "hey, I think you should ask me out on a date". 

People are attracted to those that are upbeat, fun, and honest.

Be those things.

And as for your health problems, I'd say that's a "Level 8" conversation.  (See:  Bro Jo’s LEVELS of a RELATIONSHIP )

- Bro Jo

Dear Bro Jo,

Thank you for the Advice, Bro Jo, It is greatly appreciated :)

I will let you know how it goes :)

So you think that having the Be Attitudes will help me get a date?

- Faithful Daughter of God

Dear Faithful,

Yes, actually, I do.

- Bro Jo

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