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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Girls Calling Boys

Dear Bro Jo,

This girl keeps calling me. I know she wants me to ask her out, and I was thinking about it, but she's crossed the line into annoying.

- Not Going to Answer

Dear Not,

You've discovered (much like I did) how difficult it is to be handsome and irresistible. How will you possibly survive???

Girls: don't call boys. It's a huge turn off. Make them work for you. If you must call, keep it short and casual and very infrequent. And stop the incessant Texting; you might as well wear a big sign that declares you his slave for life.

(Note: Sister Johnston refused to call me until after we were engaged to be married. She wouldn't even call to confirm a date.)

As for you, my letter writing friend: get over yourself. Call her back, be nice and polite and take the girl out. If she continues to come on to strong, be man enough to tell her. It may wreck any future relationship for the two of you, but you will have helped her, and isn't that what nice guys do?

And who knows, maybe after you talk you'll realize that it would have been a huge mistake to blow her off.

- Bro Jo

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