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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Which Guy Should She Choose? - Part 3

Dear Bro Jo,

They don’t really have anything different besides the way they look and its confusing the spirit has whenever I’m with both of them I feel the same warm feeling. and the same feeling of comfort.

- Unsure

Dear Unsure,

OK. What about passion?

I don't mean to be too forward here, but you are coming across as a little lukewarm - do either of them excite you? Who's the better kisser?

How about this: which is more passionate about you?

(So far, you've made them both sound indifferent. If I was in love with a woman and learned that she may be in love with someone else, I'd either work my tail off trying to woo her, or I'd be so crushed I'd just move on)

- Bro Jo

Dear Bro Jo,

They don’t really have anything different besides the way they look and its confusing the spirit has whenever I’m with both of them I feel the same warm feeling. and the same feeling of comfort.

In all honesty "John" is a better kisser.  They both have been trying very hard to woo me.  That’s why it’s a little confusing.  Yes, they both excite me but "John" is a better kisser!

- Unsure

Dear Unsure,

You know, Little Sister, perhaps at this point you should probably just sit back and allow yourself to be wooed. Sure you run the risk of losing both of them (frankly, I was never that understanding or patient - I'd have been long gone by now), but unless you're prepared to answer the question "if you could only pick one or be forced to give up both, whom would you pick?", then you're not yet ready to decide.

To be honest, I have my doubts that you're in love with either. I think you may be flattered by the attention and more than a bit confused, mixing up the Spirit of your conversion and the goodness of those that taught you the Gospel with romance. If I'm right about that, then the best thing is for all three of you to break it off and go your separate ways.

- Bro Jo


Kate said...

Girl, you deserve someone you're totally crazy about and who's totally crazy about you. Don't settle for someone you're neutral about.

Or you could get old fashioned and have them duke it out in a fight for the fair lady. Then you'd at least get the guy with the best biceps.

J-Dawg Fluffy said...

I'm with Bro Jo on this one. It sounds like you feel an attachment to these guys because they brought you to the gospel, and you are confusing it for romance; likewise, they may also be feeling the same way, which is why they both seem to be the same and both seem indifferent about the whole thing.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps if the writer is unable to choose between the two, it's because she isn't meant to choose either. There are lots of wonder worthy men in the church out there. Maybe she needs to have some space and date some other guys.

Also I think having a list of what the writer is looking for in a man would be a good idea. Both guys might meet these critera, but there might be someone out there who will sweep her off her feet.

Keep looking, you are still young and there are lots of good men out there.

Laura said...

Sounds like you are getting an answer.... you know how when we pray, the scriptures tell us we will either feel the warmth and confirmation of the spirit, or we will have a stupor of thought? Sounds like you feel warm and fuzzy from the horomones and the fact that you are with good people, but you are confused because that is the answer you're supposed to be getting. If you're praying/wanting to know which one and all you feel is confusion, then the answer must be neither.

Keep praying about all of this.