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Friday, April 23, 2010

Beware the Post-Prom Stalker Girl

Dear Bro Jo

I have another question. I know I girl who goes to a charter school nearby. And she implied that she wanted to ask me to Prom.

Now with about any other girl I know I'd be more then happy to, but with her, I'm hesitant.

See she has a past that I won't go into the details and has gone to her bishop, now, everyone I know says that she's changed and is trying to be a better person, but whenever I'm around her, she acts almost like a stalker, and she still lies to me, A LOT.

Now I want to support her trying to be a good person, but I don't want to go on a date or (even hang around) someone who, to be blunt, makes me feel like I'm being stalked, what do I do?


a rock and a hard place

Dear Rock,

It's just a date, my brother. Go as a group, be a gentleman, follow the dating rules, and have fun.

Her past is none of our business unless she chooses to make it so. Who are we to hold another's mistakes against them when we ask forgiveness for ourselves?

If you're still worried, review my "Bro Jo's HOW a GUY CAN AVOID the BOYFRIEND DILEMMA" as a primer before you go.

- Bro Jo

PS.  OK, if she REALLY makes you uncomfortable, then you can always pull "thank you for the invitation, but I'm not able to go", or if a girl is particularly aggressive: "I'm flattered, but I'm a pretty old-fashioned guy, and only go out with girls when I do the asking"; but Be Careful!  You don't want to hurt her feelings or burn a bridge that you may later wish to cross.  As long as she follows the rules and you're in a group, I think you should go.

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