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Friday, June 11, 2010

Finally, A Date! But . . .

Hi Bro Jo!

I've written to you before and your advice was very helpful so I figured, why not write again!

As a reminder, I wrote to you about being 17 and not being on a SINGLE date. The worst part was everyone knew it too. My leaders and others teased me about it all the time even though they weren't meant to inflict harm. I just felt bad because I'd only ever been able to attract creepy guys (who aren't members) who are, plainly, CREEPY. So here comes the giving me advice part!

Just to give you some of the girls in my ward/good friend dated another guy in our ward. They were very sweet together until "things changed" and they broke up. It's been a little under a year since they've broken up. Every girl in our ward knows of this break-up and therefore dating him is taboo. He was recently reminded of my dateless status and took it upon himself to ask me out. It was a nice gesture and I thought he was just kidding until he talked to me and told me he was serious. We have a date scheduled for the weekend. I had him promise me not to tell anyone because I don't want to cause issues with people in our ward, especially with my friend who dated him. She's told me countless times I should date him, but I always ignored her. So my question is, should I go on this date? I mean...I know I don't like this boy IN THAT WAY but I'm still going. Am I just doing this to get a date? I'm so confused!


Go For It?

Dear Go,


Sorry for the delay!

I've missed the date!

For the record, I would have said this:

Friends are more important than dates until you becoming marrying age, then all bets are off.

You should tell her he asked you out.

And then you should go out with him. Why should you remain dateless just because they used to be a couple?!?

You don't have to be "in-love" or "twitter-pated" (old guy word, but very apropos) to date someone, especially not at your age.

Other than that, I get the sense that you're not going on a Casual Group Date, which I think should have been remedied.

Call your friend and make sure she's OK.

Call the guy and tell him you're excited, but that there has to be at least one other couple.

So . . . how did it go?

- Bro Jo

PS - I remember the previous letter. I'm glad you're hanging in!

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