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Friday, June 4, 2010

Reader's: Can you guess the guy's "deep dark secret"?

Dear Bro Jo,

i love your blog!! the advice you give is fantastic!
i have 2 questions for you that i would be delighted if you answered!

question 1

I guess it's obvious that you stand on the whole "boys and girls can't be friends" side. but what do i do????? over half my friends are guys!!!!!!

question 2

I really like this guy....he is like super super nice. He told me that he had a crush on this other girl. and i helped him by asking the girl whether she liked him or not. she didn't. He didn't seem to be to upset about it. but says that he really likes her and stuff.

but see, he certainly ACTS like he likes ME!!!! for example whenever we're online at the same time he will start the conversation within 5 seconds. i have caught him staring at me MORE than once. plus he flirts with me all the time and tells me that i'm amazing and stuff. he has asked when i am turning 16. I've noticed that he seems to always want to be closer to me and will lean toward me when we're sitting next to eachother. and he goes out of his way to give a goodbye hug

he wants me to tell him who he likes....and says that i can trust him and stuff...and that he would tell me one of his deep dark secrets if i told him who i liked.

so....should i tell him?
do YOU think he likes me? what's your interpretations of his actions?


Dear Fused,

1. You realize that your "friends" would like to date you, and that means that when you're finally in the place where you're picking just one to spend eternity with all the other guy friends have to go.

2. OF COURSE he likes you! Yeah, you can tell him, but I don't think you should. Call him "shy" or call him "coward", the dude is hinting pretty hard that he wants you to make the first move, or at least give him the green light, and since you're not yet dating age, and should avoid the entanglements of a Boyfriend at this stage in your life, I see no reason to make it easier for him than you already are (and clearly you're no closed book). When you do finally turn 16 you can suggest that he take you on some Casual Group Dates, but for now slow down you love sick puppy!

I invite you to check out "Bro Jo's Dating Rules for Teens" and discuss them with your parents.

- Bro Jo

BTW - I can already tell you what his "deep dark secret" is. Hint: it's what he'll say immediately* after you confess that he's the one you like.  (*Unless he's chicken, in which case he'll panic or drag it out.)

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