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This is column is just one guy's opinion, and while he does his best to keep what he thinks, says and writes in-line with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, "Dear Bro Jo" is not an LDS Church website. (And Sister Jo thinks you should know that he's sometimes wrong, and often way too opinionated for his own good.)

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Monday, June 14, 2010

This One or That One?

Dear Bro Jo,

Hey! So I recently switched schools and this guy I just became good friend with told me that I should go out with his best friend.

He's been saying it even before I met his best friend and is still saying we should go out.

I met his best friend a week ago while I was tutoring the guy with math and his best friend told me that I was beautiful but I dont know if he was kidding or just trying to be funny or what because hes only said it once.

A few days later I saw him again but I had an errand to run so I asked him to watch my things. While I was running the errand he had to go somewhere so he took my things with him since he said he would watch my stuff and he asked someone for my number and called to let me know that my things were safe and he'd be back.

However he hasn't called or texted me since then... a few days later I saw him again and I sat by him. We talked for a while and when he had to leave he told me that it was nice seeing me and he tapped my shoulder while he was leaving.

- New Girl

Dear New Girl,

So . . . what's your question?

- Bro Jo

Dear Bro Jo,

Is this guy interested in me? Should I text him first?

Do you think the guy is interested in me?

I want to text him but I want him to text me first.

Should I just text him first?

Or will that just make me look desperate?


-New Girl

Dear New Girl,

Yes, he's interested in you.

And so is the other guy.

No, you shouldn't text either of them first.

I don't think texting makes for much of a relationship.

Yes, it may come across as being desperate. Maybe not. Tough to tell given the information.

If you're old enough to date, then you could hint to these guys that they should take you on some Casual Group Dates.

Our Facebook Fan Page has lots of great information on what a Casual Group Date is, and how you can go out and get one.

Have Fun!

- Bro Jo

PS. If you're goal is to get a boyfriend . . . don't. Not if you're still a Youth. Wait for that until you're an adult.

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