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This is column is just one guy's opinion, and while he does his best to keep what he thinks, says and writes in-line with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, "Dear Bro Jo" is not an LDS Church website. (And Sister Jo thinks you should know that he's sometimes wrong, and often way too opinionated for his own good.)

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Monday, June 7, 2010

A Slight Change of Perspective

Dear Bro Jo

Hello again. Various events have occurred since my last letter; And now I think I am need of your help again before I lose myself in my own thoughts of what is going on...

In my close circle of friends, I'm the oldest male out of the bunch! The oldest girl had just come out of a very close friendship/relationship with the 2nd oldest male in the circle of friends (Following me here?).

While that was blowing over, for various reasons and events me and this girl started to hang out more and got to know each other better. After various hints made on her behalf, I got the general idea that she did like me and after a casual group going to movies-turn-single date though we had a conversation about relationships; I pretty much though said (Now that I think about it) I wasn't interested in anything too serious before my mission (That view since has slightly changed, which is one of the reasons I send this email)

A few days after that though I started to realize that I liked her! We did hang out casually after that single date, just the two of us, before we were joined by afew others coming to these events we organize amongst ourselves! Since then we have all hanged out in a large group, which has been fine! Now though I realize she either doesn't seem to have, or atleast now isn't showing as much interest in me anymore, yet here I am now realizing what an amazing girl she is and everything!

My questions is what and where do I go from here? I did formally ask her on a group date that did go well, and while I am keen to continue just casually group dating, I don't want this chance of being with her more often, now and post-mission, let me slip by reguardless of what
she now thinks of me...which is something I'm still trying to figure out, based on what happened before and what is happening now. She does seem now she isn't interested in me as much, but I'm not sure what has happened for her to lose interest in such a short space of time...

That Guy

[Just typing this email out is embarrassing and I'm hating the thought
of it being online (How many other people say such when writing to
you: Just me) :? And really, while I am 18, all this Youth/YSA
like/love business is all new to me...having come out of what I now
call admiring this one girl for 6 years during Youth before we started
hanging out...maybe other girls had some interest in me before - I
just never have seen the signs til now...

Dear TG -

Let me start with the Post Script first: Welcome to the Club!

All of the angst, trepidation, longing and confusion you're feeling means that you're just like the rest of us.


As for this One Special Girl, I say keep dating her but keep yourself open to other possibilities as well. In a year or so you'll likely leave on a mission; all of this Casual Group Dating we do pre-mish is to help us break out of our comfort zones and give us a base knowledge and some experience that we can build from when we return and begin Dating With a Purpose.

For now just relax and enjoy!

- Bro Jo

PS - Interest comes and interest goes. Don't sweat it. If she's moved on, then you should too! (Besides, you're not supposed to be that serious yet, remember?)

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