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Thursday, June 23, 2011

He's Desperate for a Second Date - Part 4

Dear Bro Jo

I would say that the women I ask out fall in either b) or c). I'm certain that there are women who don't like me - and that's fine, that's their decision. But most of the LDS girls I know just don't wish to date anyone at all. They are quite content to just "hang out" with a guy until they've had their fun.

As I have explained previously, at my age I don't have the time to just "hang out" or to be in a non-progressive relationship. Just yesterday, I was talking to a couple of female acquaintances of mine who felt that it was a perfectly acceptable approach to "get to know" a guy over a considerable length of time - just hanging out and being buddies, of course - without ever going on a "date" (as you and I would define it). Because I don't believe in this method, not many women are willing to go out with me.

If a particular girl has already declined an invitation of mine, it would be rare for me to ask her out again - if I was to, it would be a number of months later. I try to focus my attention on those who are interested.

The problem is a major philosophical difference. A first date for the LDS girls around me is starting to be boyfriend/girlfriend; for me, that doesn't start until at the very least the third date - and even then, it shouldn't be rushed.

A significant reason why I think I don't get many second dates is because of the girl's fear of moving too quickly. I'm not even thinking about a relationship on a first date - I save those thoughts for the second and third dates. But it goes back to what I stated earlier - the women around me see a date as something you only do when you're part of a couple.

All I can do is be the very best person I can, continue to obey the commandments, and continue to ask girls out. And hopefully I'll find someone who has the same outlook on dating as I have!



PS: Haven't got the book yet (ordered it online); I'm sure many of the answers I'm looking for are contained within its pages.

Dear Disappointed,

Have you considered that at your age you might want to do less playing the field and more focusing on one special woman?

I'm thinking that the women you know might have tagged you as a "player" who can't be taken seriously. I'm not sure how many women don't want to go out with you (and I find it interesting that you identified them as "women who find you repulsive" and "women who hate all men").

It does sound like you're on the right track when you talk about being the best you you can be and doing that which we're supposed to do . . . but you also aren't taking any responsibility for your situation, and haven't talked about the type of women you do go out with.

I still think you need to widen your circle.

- Bro Jo

Dear Bro Jo

I must admit, your response didn't make much sense. I'm unsure of what you meant by "not taking any responsibility for (my) situation"?

Like we have discussed, I have neither the time nor the inclination to play the field; my intention is to focus on one special woman - but dating a wide variety of people in order to identify a solid prospect is important too. After all, I could easily just "hang out", but I restrict that sort of interaction with the opposite sex to a very limited amount.

When I've gone on two dates with a certain girl, if everything has gone well, I always intend to stop seeing others so that I can focus exclusively on that one girl. The types of women I do go out with are ones which I meet in Church settings - YSA activities, firesides, etc. I certainly don't favour beauty over brains - attraction is extinguished for me very quickly if there's no inner strength beneath the outer beauty.

I've even been going on dates with non-LDS girls (is that what you mean by "widen your circle"?). They are aware of my standards - what I will do and what I will not do - and dating experiences with them have always been very rewarding. None of them have shown any interest in the Church (so we don't continue dating) but I have also been able to learn different perspectives - and do some missionary work with them too.

If the women around me have indeed tagged me as a "player" then that is very sad. That is one thing I am not. They could even use that as an excuse to reject date invitations from me and other worthy and capable men. And that is even sadder. They're not category a) - otherwise there wouldn't be much hanging out going on. Perhaps they fall into category e) - strangers more than I realize. What the women do is something I can't control. What I can control is what I do. And that is being the right man for the right woman.



Dear D,

That's EXACTLY what I'm talking about!

Let's try this: tell me about the last three women you went out with.

Where did you meet them? How long and how well did you know them before asking them out? What was the first date like? How did it end? Did you go out with them again? Why or why not? What attracted you to each woman?

- Bro Jo


Kate said...

I agree. He seems to put all the blame on the women. Which may be partially true, but in general the blame never falls on only one person in a situation. Hanging out isn't always bad, just when that's ALL you do. It's fine to make friends with someone and then ask them out after you've spent some time with them in a group of friends. I'm baffled that girls turn him down. I've never turned down a first date. That's super rude.

Christopher Cunningham said...

I'm worrying about Disappointed's definition of hanging out. He seems to use the term as an unassailable pejorative. Disappointed seems to be using his age to make worse dating decisions. Have you ever wondered why so many people meet someone after they decide to stop dating for a while? It's because they are taking the opportunity to get to know someone for who they are.

I honestly have a hard time believing that the LDS dating culture where Disappointed is from is as anti-dating as he makes it sound, but if it is and he wants to get married as desperately as he says then get off your Dallin H Oaks-Dave Johnston high horse and play the dating game that the girls you want to be with are playing.

Pretending like you are the only one who knows the right way to date, and that everyone should conform to your ideas about dating is a sure fire way to get left behind, as Disappointed is seeing.

If Disappointed wants to find someone that will put up with him (and don't we all) he can't be limiting any kinds of interactions he has with the opposite sex.

I think Disappointed finally may have realized what the issue was when he admitted that he asks out women that are bigger strangers than he knows out. Come down to us less perfect more pedestrian individuals, and get to know us, we're not as bad as you might think, and there's lots of girls here.

Bro Jo said...


I don't think I've ever been lumped in with Elder Oaks before . . . not that I mind, I just don't think I'm smart enough or good enough to qualify.

Sister Jo is a firm believer in the counsel that to find someone you need to stop looking.

I think a big part of that is learning to relax and be yourself; the best you you can be.

- Bro Jo

Laura said...

lol I thought it was Richard G. Scott who was the one pointing fingers at YSA's and telling us to stop "hanging out" lol. He said that when he came to the stake center near here, anyway. :P

While I really like the dating standards Bro Jo has talked about, I do agree that there should be some more getting-to-know-you that is a bit less casual than a regular date.

And of course, easier said than done, I completely agree with Sis Jo about not looking in order to find someone. It takes a LOT of patience, and requires, as bro jo said, relaxing and being who you are.