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Friday, June 17, 2011

How Does a Guy Know If She'll Go Out with Him?

Hi there,

So, I'm an RM that has a hard time reading girls, which I bet many guys fall into the category of. This is probably a really dumb question, but are there any particular ways to know if a girl has interest in you or if she just enjoys your company?

There's one girl in my ward who talks to me every opportunity that she has, even if she's in a hurry, but I don't know if it’s just me wanting the attention, or if she's genuinely interested.
I really like her and want to ask her out, but I'm worried that I'm just taking the signals wrong. Any advice is welcome. Thanks so much.


Dear RM,

Ask her out, bro.
It's the only way to know.
And if she says "no"
She won't go
Then at least you'll know.

Seriously, make more dates and fewer excuses. It's just a date. Ask her.

- Bro Jo


Kate said...

Uh, yeah. Girls don't go out of their way to talk to people they don't want to spend time with. It's called flirting.

Christopher Cunningham said...

While what Kate said is certainly not true, and you will get rejected by a lot of women you think are flirting with you, Bro. Jo's advice is definitely the best. You have to ask. You'll get turned down a lot, but the good thing is that eventually your heart will callous and it won't hurt anymore. If you want to find the right girl, you have to ask them out and that means taking lots of risks. Good luck man, I feel you.