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Friday, January 22, 2010

Asking Out Your Friend's Sibling

Dear Bro Jo,

I don't know if this is a typical teen girl problem, but let me here it is.

To start let me explain that i have just turned 16 and can now date. Now here is my problem:

I was really good friends with a girl, lets call her Chelsea. Well, Chelsea and I have been really good friends for a while. Well, while I was friends with Chelsea i started to like her brother. Last summer she went to BYU for college and then i started hanging with her brother more.

Now that I am 16 and there is a dance coming up at my school i wish to ask Chelsea's brother to this dance. However, I don't want Chelsea to feel as though I have been using her to get to her brother. What can i do?

Also, this dance is a "Sadie Hawkins" dance and I am nervous to ask Chelsea's brother to the dance.


-Ohio Teen

Dear Ohio,

I think you should ask him whether she wants you to or not, but if you're worried about it and want to keep things smooth between the two of you, just talk to her. "Hey, Sadie Hawkins is coming up and I'm going to ask your brother. Any advice?"

If she's a true friend she'll be glad someone as nice as you is asking him and, if you ask for her help, she may go that extra step and help you know what to say and when.

It's a good sign that you're nervous, but don't let that keep you from trying!

And don't wait too long, either.

Lastly, even a school dance should follow the Casual Group Dating Rules (click HERE if you need to look them up again), so find a good group to go with.

Have fun!

- Bro Jo

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