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Friday, May 1, 2009

Reader's Note: Best Dating Movies

Reader's Note:  The Best Movies About Dating

Here in America May is the beginning of the Big Summer Movie Season (and oh boy, is Bro Jo excited this May!)  Because it's movie season, and because I've often advocated Video Parties as a way for Young Men and Young Women to get to know each other a little better in a social setting, I thought I'd share with you my list of The Best Movies About Dating.

It's still a work in progress, and I should warn you that while these movies teach some Dating Truths, they're still just movies, and actually (with maybe one or two exceptions) not very good choices for the aforementioned Video Parties - for those I recommend Action Adventure films.

Not the "Best Date Movies" (those would be movies to see on a date), these are the best movies about dating.


None of these is perfect, and sadly some are more worldly than they should be, but all prove that occasionally Hollywood discovers a little bit of truth . . .

Uncle Buck - Every dad could take a few lessons from Buck Russell.

Hitch - Sweet and honest, there's more truth here than originally meets the eye. If ever there was a movie that addressed the insecurities we all have about relationships, this is it.

When Harry Met Sally (see the edited version of this one on TV) - "Men and Women Can't be Friends", "When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start right away".

Dan in Real Life - For any parent who's ever been accused of being a "murderer of love".

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - The fears of Dancing and Dating are bigger than Dragons in this fourth film of the series. Pay special attention to the exchanges about relationships between the main characters. One of my favorite moments is when Fred asks Angelina to the Dance.

Family Man - One of the few movies of late that teaches why marriage and family are more important than career and money.

McLintock! - Enjoy the relationship between John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara, but don't miss what Patrick Wayne's character says about dating and courtship, and what Becky's father says about a Man and a Woman working together.

Taming of the Shrew -All the guys want Bianca because she's beautiful; they're only looking skin deep, and it's her that turns out to be the REAL Shrew.

The Quiet Man - Ah, would it were still this simple.

Enchanted - "How Does She Know He Loves Her?"  Indeed.

Not a complete list, by any means; Readers, what do you suggest and why?

Leave your comments here, or join the "Dear Bro Jo" fan page on Facebook and look for the "Best Dating Movies" Note and Discussion Group.


Sarah said...

I would recommend "You've Got Mail." I think that the way that Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan communicate with eachother more than those who they are currently dating and then end up hating eachother superficially and then loving each other is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

I would suggest While You Were Sleeping, it also shows how you shouldn't just look on the outside, but get to know a person. Plus, its funny :D

Flint said...

I always thought Princess Bride was a good date movie. Romantic - but funny at the same time.