Things to know

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This is column is just one guy's opinion, and while he does his best to keep what he thinks, says and writes in-line with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, "Dear Bro Jo" is not an LDS Church website. (And Sister Jo thinks you should know that he's sometimes wrong, and often way too opinionated for his own good.)

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The One

Dear Bro Jo,

I was at a YSA activity around 2 months ago, and at the end when everyone was leaving, my friend and I were approached by a guy that she knew from a different ward. I don't know why but as soon as he spoke I got this feeling, as if I 'just knew'. Anyway, later that night he found me on Facebook, and ever since then we've spoken on the phone every night. Last Saturday we went on a date, and I can say it was honestly the most romantic thing I have ever done, it was seriously perfect.

We stayed out until 5 in the morning looking at the stars (really cute but not good when you have church 4 hours later!) I have dated/been around quite a few guys and I can honestly say I never feel as comfortable as I did with this guy. It was if we had known each other forever. Now I can't stop thinking about him, and I feel as if he could quite possibly be 'the one.' I've never really believed that there is only one person that can be 'the one' , but now I'm starting to wonder. Do you believe in 'the one'? Do you think this guy could possibly be 'the one', or do you think I'm just having a major crush on him?

Thank you!!

- Destiny

Dear Destiny,

No, I don't believe in "the one"; it implies that a person must search the world endlessly or waiting for that perfect person, that perfect match, which, let's face it, as much as you're "in love" now, doesn't exist.

However I ABSOLUTELY believe in Love and Promptings of the Spirit! How lucky you are to have had such a wonderful evening!

Maybe you two will make each other great spouses, maybe not. For now I say "enjoy the moment" (you ARE writing all of this in a journal, right?), go on a few more dates, and see how things unfold.

For what it's worth, I still have a crush on Sister Jo.

Keep us all posted on what happens!

- Bro Jo


Anonymous said...

I know you've said that there is no such thing as "THE ONE" person whom we're destined to be but what are traits that can help you tell who is good marrying type guys and girls and who aren't?

Bro Jo said...

Well that's a Great Question!

I've written a separate column answering it that will publish here in May - "Bro Jo's LIST of THINGS to LOOK for in a SPOUSE" - don't miss it!

- Bro Jo

Mel said...

Is this list mentioned above the same as the list of things you should know before you get engaged?

Bro Jo said...

I don't think it was.

But I didn't find it in the posts from May of that year . . . might need to check April or June . . . sometimes stuff shifts.

Let me know if you find it, would ya?

- Bro Jo

Mel said...

Hmmm... I couldn't seem to find it in April or June of that year either

Bro Jo said...

You're absolutely right!

I just searched the archives, and it looks like it never got published.

I'll run it this Friday.

Thank you!

- Bro Jo