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Monday, March 29, 2010

French Kissing Follow UP

[Readers - what follows is a follow up conversation I had with the reader that asked about French Kissing.  You can read the original letter HERE.  - Bro Jo]

Dear Bro Jo,

Thank you so much. I appreciate your honesty so much. You are right.



Dear An,

Any time.

Sorry if it was painful.

So . . . what are you going to do now?

- Bro Jo

Dear Bro Jo,

I have thought about it in the past, and what you said was the same conclusion I came up with. But I just needed someone to say that I was being stupid. 

What am I going to do? 

I have no idea, I am going to change some things though. I never went around wanting a "boyfriend" in fact my motto was "Boys are icky throw rocks at them." 

But I know that the relationship with him will have to end.

I'm going to college soon over a thousand miles away. But before anything, he is my best friend. I don't want to sound like some pathetic teenager, because I love my life. My family and friends I have are amazing. I think in the back of my mind I have this little fantasy that he'll join the Church because he wants to, like my sister-in-law. 

But I seriously have no idea what I am going to do yet.

- An

Dear An,

It's OK to be uncertain. That's part of life, and a Big Part at your age. Enjoy! As you get older the uncertainties become more difficult, and you'll look back at these and say "Well, holy heck in a bucket! That wasn't so bad!"

(I chuckled at "boys are icky throw rocks at them"!)

For what it's worth, I hope he joins the Church, too; and you're right: it has to be for him, not for you.

Good luck and have fun at school! Tell everyone I said "hello" - and do me a favor, would ya?

Go on a few dates!

- Bro Jo

I think I can handle such a request 


I appreciate all your help, Brother Johnston.



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