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Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Girl at Home - Part 4


In September I ran a series of letters titled “The Girl at Home” who was planning on waiting for her boyfriend who just left on a mission, but then she met a guy she really liked. (To read the original post, click HERE). I contacted her a while back, and here’s how it played out.

– Bro Jo

Dear Bro Jo,

Thank You Bro Jo!

Luckily he ended up asking me out for a date later on this!

- NS

Dear NS,

Have fun!

- Bro Jo

[Several weeks later.]

Dear NS,

Curious: how did it go?

- Bro Jo

It was great! We made sushi, because his family is pretty big on it, and I've never had it before then we went for a walk and later to see a movie. It was a lot of fun!

Thank you Once again!

So . . . where are things with him now?

Well he's just my friend but, since then he's moved back to Utah, and we've talked a couple times.

No regrets?

None what-so-eveer!

Readers, as I've said a hundred times, I don't think it's in the best interest of the missionary nor the girl at home for them to make some kind of commitment before he leaves.  He needs to be free to serve and she needs to be free to live.  When he comes back, if she's still single, by all means date!  Sometimes they'll discover that it's meant to be, but often not.

- Bro Jo

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