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Friday, December 24, 2010

Getting Her to Text You

Dear Bro Jo,

I'm 15 and I really like this girl in my stake, I met her about a year ago and at the last dance i told her i liked her and wanted to get to know her better. I asked if she would text me she said ok and hasn't texted me at all. I am wondering what to do and also how I can keep myself from making the wrong decisions. I really need your help!


Dear Coplini,

The first thing you can do is stop asking girls to text you. You're the guy; it's your responsibility to initiate all contact. It shows girls that you respect them (even though many of them haven't figured that out yet).

Secondly, relax. Lots of great girls in the world; life does not begin and end with this one.

Third, talk to her, man. Take the initiative. In person is always best, phone is my second choice. Texting and email and Facebook chat all comes a distant third. Sure, it's "safer", especially for somebody new at this stuff, so I under stand it's appeal, but at some point it's a crutch you'll need to let go of if you ever really want to get to know someone better.

Lastly, the best thing you can do is create social events that will give you opportunities to get to know her, AND other girls, better. Things like Etiquette Dinners, Stake Dances, movie parties and game nights at your house.

Have fun!

- Bro Jo

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