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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Is it destiny?

Dear Jo Bro,

Thanks for all the wonderful advice you've given!!!

So the reason why I'm writing is, because I met my dream guy! Joe he's perfect! He’s way strong in the church, and he's way funny and way smart and way cute and way athletic, and musically talented.

I feel like he's outta of my league, because he seems so perfect. Anytime anyone asks me who I like and I tell them and they always tell me how he’s such a good guy and stuff

We met like a month ago (p.s. he's turning 16 in December and I’m turning 16 in April) I switched my classes and met him. We talked at a game and that's where my little crush began. Well anyways in gym, the class I have with him, he always talks to me and like always like and he's gotten in trouble a couple times for talking to me. And he got my number once I was like " my phones broken" and he’s like "you have a phone" and I was like "yep" and he’s like "why don’t I have your number" and I was like "I don’t know! It’s XXXXXXX" but my phone was broken at the time so I never got his :(

I thought maybe he liked me. I told my buddy Brady and Brady texted Joe and asked him who he liked and Joe said No one, I just like meeting people. So the thing is I’m scared to like Joe because I know that if I do like him I will fall for him hard. Cause he seems so perfect! And I’m always scared to talk to him like on Facebook and I’m even more scared to get his number! But anyways I don’t really know what to do or what I’m asking but if you could help me out it would be awesome!



Dear Destiny,

There's nothing wrong with liking him; a girl is entitled to her crushes.

The mistake would be in wrapping your self-worth in whether or not he likes you or becomes your boyfriend. Keep your dignity; don't hound him with texts and emails and phone calls. Make him chase you! You're worth the pursuit and if he doesn't get that . . . well, that's his problem not yours. If he initiates the Facebook chat or text or call, then by all means converse.

(Do you understand the difference?)

Fun being 15 isn't it?

- Bro Jo

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