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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Holding Hands

Dear Bro Jo,

I am a 15 year old Mormon girl. I have a question and hope you can help!!

So I have a crush on this boy. We have liked each other for almost 2 years now and it has been totally fine. Like we talk and we hang out with a group of friends but nothing major. I mean he is like perfect. But I really like him a lot, and I've never hugged him. But one of his friends said something about holding hands, and I kinda liked the sound of it. I mean I like him a lot and I kinda want to hold his hand (maybe more than kinda). It wouldn't be a date or anything, but

I am 15. do you think that it would be bad?

Thanks so much,

-Fifteen and Waiting

Dear Fifteen,

Yes, it would be bad. If he grabs your hand to lead you out to the dance floor or hold your hand during a slow song, that's okay, but holding hands just because you want to and you think it will feel nice at your age is a no-no.

Wait just a little longer.

Holding hands on a date is okay, when you’re old enough, but do us all a favor and don't be clingy.

- Bro Jo

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